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Gluu Casa Installation Guide#


System Requirements#

Gluu Casa gets installed as a component of Gluu Flex Server. Please refer to system requirements for Gluu Flex Server.

Installation via Linux Packages#

Casa is offered as one of the several components of the Gluu Flex Server. To include Casa in your instance, just ensure to check it when prompted at installation time.

To add Casa post-install do the following:

  1. Login to chroot
  2. cd /install/community-edition-setup
  3. Run ./ --install-casa

Finish setup#

Important notes:

  • Ensure your server has "dynamic registration" of clients enabled and that "returnClientSecretOnRead" is set to true. These settings can be reverted once your Casa installation is fully operational

After installation, you can access the application at https://<host>/casa.

For the first time the application will try to register an OpenID Connect client via oxd. If this operation fails due to network problems or SSL cert issues, login will not work. Please refer to the FAQ for troubleshooting.


To change the default URL path for Casa follow the steps listed here. It is advisable to apply this customization before credentials are enrolled.

Unlocking admin features#

Recall admin capabilities are disabled by default. To unlock admin features follow these steps:

  1. Navigate inside chroot to /opt/gluu/jetty/casa/
  2. Create an empty file named .administrable (ie. touch .administrable)
  3. Run chown casa:casa .administrable (do this only if you are on FIPS environment)
  4. Logout in case you have an open browser session


Once you have configured, tailored, and tested your deployment thoroughly, you are strongly encouraged to remove the marker file. This will prevent problems in case a user can escalate privileges or if some administrative account is compromised.

Uninstall Gluu Casa#

Follow the steps below to remove Casa from your Gluu Flex Server installation:

  1. Update acr: Uninstallation will remove casa acr and its corresponding custom script from your server. So, before you uninstall Casa, update the acr value if it is set to casa. In case you have OpenId Connect clients requesting this acr_value they you'll need to update their configuration. Also, check if the default authentication method is set to casa. Do this using Admin-UI

  2. Login to chroot.

  3. Run the cleanup utility. It will remove configurations added to your Gluu Flex Server when Casa was installed, as well as any data which is no longer needed. In the chroot run:

    # cd /install/community-edition-setup/
    # ./

Last update: 2023-07-13
Created: 2023-06-07