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A containerized application for Gluu Admin UI frontend.


See Releases for stable versions. For bleeding-edge/unstable version, use gluufederation/admin-ui:1.0.0_dev.

Environment Variables#

The following environment variables are supported by the container:

  • CN_CONFIG_ADAPTER: The config backend adapter, can be consul (default), kubernetes, or google.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST: hostname or IP of Consul (default to localhost).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_PORT: port of Consul (default to 8500).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CONSISTENCY: Consul consistency mode (choose one of default, consistent, or stale). Default to stale mode.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_SCHEME: supported Consul scheme (http or https).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_VERIFY: whether to verify cert or not (default to false).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CACERT_FILE: path to Consul CA cert file (default to /etc/certs/consul_ca.crt). This file will be used if it exists and CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_VERIFY set to true.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CERT_FILE: path to Consul cert file (default to /etc/certs/consul_client.crt).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_KEY_FILE: path to Consul key file (default to /etc/certs/consul_client.key).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_TOKEN_FILE: path to file contains ACL token (default to /etc/certs/consul_token).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace (default to default).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_CONFIGMAP: Kubernetes configmaps name (default to jans).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_USE_KUBE_CONFIG: Load credentials from $HOME/.kube/config, only useful for non-container environment (default to false).
  • CN_SECRET_ADAPTER: The secrets' adapter, can be vault (default), kubernetes, or google.
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_VERIFY: whether to verify cert or not (default to false).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_ROLE_ID_FILE: path to file contains Vault AppRole role ID (default to /etc/certs/vault_role_id).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_SECRET_ID_FILE: path to file contains Vault AppRole secret ID (default to /etc/certs/vault_secret_id).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_CERT_FILE: path to Vault cert file (default to /etc/certs/vault_client.crt).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_KEY_FILE: path to Vault key file (default to /etc/certs/vault_client.key).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_CACERT_FILE: path to Vault CA cert file (default to /etc/certs/vault_ca.crt). This file will be used if it exists and CN_SECRET_VAULT_VERIFY set to true.
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_ADDR: URL of Vault (default to http://localhost:8200).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_NAMESPACE: Namespace used to access secrets (default to empty string).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_KV_PATH: Path to KV secrets engine (default to secret).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_PREFIX: Base prefix name used to build secret path (default to jans).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_APPROLE_PATH: Path to AppRole (default to approle).
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace (default to default).
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_CONFIGMAP: Kubernetes secrets name (default to jans).
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_USE_KUBE_CONFIG: Load credentials from $HOME/.kube/config, only useful for non-container environment (default to false).
  • CN_WAIT_MAX_TIME: How long the startup "health checks" should run (default to 300 seconds).
  • CN_WAIT_SLEEP_DURATION: Delay between startup "health checks" (default to 10 seconds).
  • GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID: Google Project ID (default to empty string). Used when CN_CONFIG_ADAPTER or CN_SECRET_ADAPTER set to google.
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: Optional JSON file (contains Google credentials) that can be injected into container for authentication. Refer to for supported credentials.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_VERSION_ID: Janssen secret version ID in Google Secret Manager. Defaults to latest, which is recommended.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_NAME_PREFIX: Prefix for Janssen secret in Google Secret Manager. Defaults to jans. If left jans-secret secret will be created.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_MANAGER_PASSPHRASE: Passphrase for Janssen secret in Google Secret Manager. This is recommended to be changed and defaults to secret.
  • CN_TOKEN_SERVER_BASE_HOSTNAME: Hostname of token server (default to localhost).
  • CN_TOKEN_SERVER_AUTHZ_ENDPOINT: Authorization endpoint at token server (default to /jans-auth/authorize.htm).
  • CN_TOKEN_SERVER_TOKEN_ENDPOINT: Token endpoint at token server (default to /jans-auth/restv1/token).
  • CN_TOKEN_SERVER_INTROSPECTION_ENDPOINT: Introspection endpoint at token server (default to /jans-auth/restv1/introspection).
  • CN_TOKEN_SERVER_USERINFO_ENDPOINT: User info endpoint at token server (default to /jans-auth/restv1/userinfo).
  • CN_TOKEN_SERVER_CLIENT_ID: Client ID registered at token server.
  • CN_TOKEN_SERVER_CERT_FILE: Path to token server certificate (default to /etc/certs/token_server.crt).
  • CN_PERSISTENCE_TYPE: Persistence backend being used (one of ldap, couchbase, or hybrid; default to ldap).
  • CN_HYBRID_MAPPING: Specify data mapping for each persistence (default to "{}"). Note this environment only takes effect when CN_PERSISTENCE_TYPE is set to hybrid. See hybrid mapping section for details.
  • CN_LDAP_URL: Address and port of LDAP server (default to localhost:1636).
  • CN_LDAP_USE_SSL: Whether to use SSL connection to LDAP server (default to true).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_URL: Address of Couchbase server (default to localhost).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_USER: Username of Couchbase server (default to admin).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_CERT_FILE: Couchbase root certificate location (default to /etc/certs/couchbase.crt).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_PASSWORD_FILE: Path to file contains Couchbase password (default to /etc/jans/conf/couchbase_password).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_CONN_TIMEOUT: Connect timeout used when a bucket is opened (default to 10000 milliseconds).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_CONN_MAX_WAIT: Maximum time to wait before retrying connection (default to 20000 milliseconds).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_SCAN_CONSISTENCY: Default scan consistency; one of not_bounded, request_plus, or statement_plus (default to not_bounded).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_BUCKET_PREFIX: Prefix for Couchbase buckets (default to jans).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_TRUSTSTORE_ENABLE: Enable truststore for encrypted Couchbase connection (default to true).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL: Keep-alive interval for Couchbase connection (default to 30000 milliseconds).
  • CN_COUCHBASE_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT: Keep-alive timeout for Couchbase connection (default to 2500 milliseconds).
  • CN_SQL_DB_DIALECT: Dialect name of SQL backend (one of mysql, pgsql; default to mysql).
  • CN_SQL_DB_HOST: Host of SQL backend (default to localhost).
  • CN_SQL_DB_PORT: Port of SQL backend (default to 3306).
  • CN_SQL_DB_NAME: Database name (default to jans)
  • CN_SQL_DB_USER: Username to interact with SQL backend (default to jans).
  • CN_GOOGLE_SPANNER_INSTANCE_ID: Instance ID of Google Spanner (default to empty string).
  • CN_GOOGLE_SPANNER_DATABASE_ID: Database ID of Google Spanner (default to empty string).
  • GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID: Google Project ID (default to empty string).
  • GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID: Google Project ID (default to empty string). Used when CN_CONFIG_ADAPTER or CN_SECRET_ADAPTER set to google.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SPANNER_INSTANCE_ID: Google Spanner instance ID.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SPANNER_DATABASE_ID: Google Spanner database ID.
  • GLUU_ADMIN_UI_AUTH_METHOD: Authentication method for admin-ui (one of basic or casa; default to basic). Note, changing the value require restart to jans-config-api.

Hybrid mapping#

Hybrid persistence supports all available persistence types. To configure hybrid persistence and its data mapping, follow steps below:

  1. Set CN_PERSISTENCE_TYPE environment variable to hybrid

  2. Set CN_HYBRID_MAPPING with the following format:

        "default": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "user": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "site": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "cache": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "token": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",
        "session": "<couchbase|ldap|spanner|sql>",


        "default": "sql",
        "user": "spanner",
        "site": "ldap",
        "cache": "sql",
        "token": "couchbase",
        "session": "spanner",

Last update: 2024-05-31
Created: 2022-01-28