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Install Gluu Flex on AKS#

System Requirements#

The resources may be set minimally to the below:

  • 8-13 GB RAM based on the services deployed
  • 8-11 CPU cores based on the services deployed
  • 50GB hard-disk

Use the listing below for a detailed estimation of the minimum required resources. The table contains the default resources recommendation per service. Depending on the use of each service the resources need may be increase or decrease.

Service CPU Unit RAM Disk Space Processor Type Required
Auth server 2.5 2.5GB N/A 64 Bit Yes
fido2 0.5 0.5GB N/A 64 Bit No
scim 1 1GB N/A 64 Bit No
config - job 0.3 0.3GB N/A 64 Bit Yes on fresh installs
persistence - job 0.3 0.3GB N/A 64 Bit Yes on fresh installs
nginx 1 1GB N/A 64 Bit Yes if ALB/Istio not used
auth-key-rotation 0.3 0.3GB N/A 64 Bit No [Strongly recommended]
config-api 1 1GB N/A 64 Bit No
casa 0.5 0.5GB N/A 64 Bit No
admin-ui 2 2GB N/A 64 Bit No
link 0.5 1GB N/A 64 Bit No
saml 0.5 1GB N/A 64 Bit No

Releases of images are in style 1.0.0-beta.0, 1.0.0-0

Initial Setup#

  1. Before initiating the setup, please obtain an SSA for Flex trial, after which you will issued a JWT.

  2. Install Azure CLI

  3. Create a Resource Group

    az group create --name gluu-resource-group --location eastus

  4. Create an AKS cluster such as the following example:

    az aks create -g gluu-resource-group -n gluu-cluster --enable-managed-identity --node-vm-size NODE_TYPE --node-count 2 --enable-addons monitoring --enable-msi-auth-for-monitoring  --generate-ssh-keys 
    You can adjust node-count and node-vm-size as per your desired cluster size

  5. Connect to the cluster

    az aks install-cli
    az aks get-credentials --resource-group gluu-resource-group --name gluu-cluster

  6. Install Helm3

  7. Create gluu namespace where our resources will reside

    kubectl create namespace gluu

Gluu Flex Installation using Helm#

  1. Install Nginx-Ingress, if you are not using Istio ingress

    helm repo add ingress-nginx
    helm repo add stable
    helm repo update
    helm install nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
  2. Create a file named override.yaml and add changes as per your desired configuration:

    • FQDN/domain is not registered:

      Get the Loadbalancer IP:

      kubectl get svc nginx-ingress-nginx-controller --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

      Add the following yaml snippet to your override.yaml file:

          lbIp: #Add the Loadbalance IP from the previous command
          isFqdnRegistered: false
    • FQDN/domain is registered:

      Add the following yaml snippet to your override.yaml file:

          lbIp: #Add the LoadBalancer IP from the previous command
          isFqdnRegistered: true
          fqdn: #CHANGE-THIS to the FQDN used for Gluu
            path: /
            - #CHANGE-THIS to the FQDN used for Gluu
            - secretName: tls-certificate
              - #CHANGE-THIS to the FQDN used for Gluu
    • Couchbase for pesistence storage

      Add the following yaml snippet to your override.yaml file:

        cnPersistenceType: couchbase
          # The prefix of couchbase buckets. This helps with separation in between different environments and allows for the same couchbase cluster to be used by different setups of Janssen.
          cnCouchbaseBucketPrefix: jans
          # -- Couchbase certificate authority string. This must be encoded using base64. This can also be found in your couchbase UI Security > Root Certificate. In mTLS setups this is not required.
          cnCouchbaseCrt: SWFtTm90YVNlcnZpY2VBY2NvdW50Q2hhbmdlTWV0b09uZQo=
          # -- The number of replicas per index created. Please note that the number of index nodes must be one greater than the number of index replicas. That means if your couchbase cluster only has 2 index nodes you cannot place the number of replicas to be higher than 1.
          cnCouchbaseIndexNumReplica: 0
          # -- Couchbase password for the restricted user config.configmap.cnCouchbaseUser that is often used inside the services. The password must contain one digit, one uppercase letter, one lower case letter and one symbol
          cnCouchbasePassword: P@ssw0rd
          # -- The Couchbase super user (admin) username. This user is used during initialization only.
          cnCouchbaseSuperUser: admin
          # -- Couchbase password for the superuser config.configmap.cnCouchbaseSuperUser that is used during the initialization process. The password must contain one digit, one uppercase letter, one lower case letter and one symbol
          cnCouchbaseSuperUserPassword: Test1234#
          # -- Couchbase URL. This should be in FQDN format for either remote or local Couchbase clusters. The address can be an internal address inside the kubernetes cluster
          cnCouchbaseUrl: cbjanssen.default.svc.cluster.local
          # -- Couchbase restricted user
          cnCouchbaseUser: janssen
    • PostgreSQL for persistence storage

      In a production environment, a production grade PostgreSQL server should be used such as Azure Database for PostgreSQL

      For testing purposes, you can deploy it on the AKS cluster using the following command:

      helm install my-release --set auth.postgresPassword=Test1234#,auth.database=gluu -n gluu oci://

      Add the following yaml snippet to your override.yaml file:

        cnPersistenceType: sql
          cnSqlDbName: gluu
          cnSqlDbPort: 5432
          cnSqlDbDialect: pgsql
          cnSqlDbHost: my-release-postgresql.gluu.svc
          cnSqlDbUser: postgres
          cnSqlDbTimezone: UTC
          cnSqldbUserPassword: Test1234#
    • MySQL for persistence storage

      In a production environment, a production grade MySQL server should be used such as Azure Database for MySQL

      For testing purposes, you can deploy it on the AKS cluster using the following command:

      helm install my-release --set auth.rootPassword=Test1234#,auth.database=gluu -n gluu oci://

      Add the following yaml snippet to your override.yaml file:

        cnPersistenceType: sql
          cnSqlDbName: gluu
          cnSqlDbPort: 3306
          cnSqlDbDialect: mysql
          cnSqlDbHost: my-release-mysql.gluu.svc
          cnSqlDbUser: root
          cnSqlDbTimezone: UTC
          cnSqldbUserPassword: Test1234#

      So if your desired configuration has FQDN and MySQL, the final override.yaml file will look something like that:

        cnPersistenceType: sql
        lbIp: "" #Add the LoadBalancer IP from previous command
        isFqdnRegistered: true
        fqdn: #CHANGE-THIS to the FQDN used for Gluu
            path: /
            - #CHANGE-THIS to the FQDN used for Gluu
            - secretName: tls-certificate
              - #CHANGE-THIS to the FQDN used for Gluu  
          cnSqlDbName: gluu
          cnSqlDbPort: 3306
          cnSqlDbDialect: mysql
          cnSqlDbHost: my-release-mysql.gluu.svc
          cnSqlDbUser: root
          cnSqlDbTimezone: UTC
          cnSqldbUserPassword: Test1234#
  3. Install Gluu Flex

    After finishing all the tweaks to the override.yaml file, we can use it to install gluu flex.

    helm repo add gluu-flex
    helm repo update
    helm install gluu gluu-flex/gluu -n gluu -f override.yaml

Configure Gluu Flex#

You can use the Janssen TUI to configure Flex components. The TUI calls the Config API to perform ad hoc configuration.

Last update: 2024-10-24
Created: 2022-09-22