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Pushed Authorization Requests(PAR) and JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode(JARM)#

This section covers details of two important features required by the open banking ecosystem. The latest Gluu Open Banking Identity Platform supports PAR and JARM specifications.
These two features are bundled in the installation so when you install the Gluu Open Banking Identity Platform the Authorization Server(AS) will support these features by default. The older/existing installation may require updating the WAR/ image.

Moreover, these features are also FAPI certified for Brazil Open Banking (Based on FAPI 1 Advanced Final).

Pushed Authorization Requests-PAR:#

PAR are handled by an additional endpoint of Authorization Server (AS). Clients POST their authorization parameters to this endpoint, in return the clients gets a reference (named as request URI value) that will be used in further authorization requests by the client. PAR enables the OAuth clients to push the payload of an authorization request directly to the authorization server in exchange for a request URI value. This request URI value is used as a reference to the authorization request payload data in a subsequent call to the authorization endpoint.

We can set different PAR lifetimes for different clients. PAR lifetime will be 600 seconds if it is unspecified.

We have two new configuration properties for PAR:

*     parEndpoint - String, corresponds to pushed_authorization_request_endpoint 
      as defined by specification.
*     requirePar - Boolean parameter indicating whether the only means of 
      initiating an authorization request the client is allowed to use is a 
      pushed authorization request. If omitted, the default value is "false".

Moreover, there is a new client configuration:

*     parLifetime: An integer parameter representing the lifetime (in seconds) of 
      the pushed authorization request.

JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode-JARM#

This is a new JWT-based response mode to encode authorization responses known as JARM, (see Financial-grade API: JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for OAuth 2.0). Here clients are enabled to request the transmission of the authorization response parameters along with additional data in JWT format. This mechanism enhances the security of the standard authorization response since it adds support for signing and encryption,sender authentication, and audience restriction. It also provides protection from replay, credential leakage, and mix-up attacks. It can be combined with any response type.

For this feature AS supports new response modes (query.jwt,fragment.jwt,form_post.jwt,jwt) and additional signing, encryption algorithms.

Last update: 2024-09-19
Created: 2024-09-19