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Install Gluu Flex On Red Hat EL#

This is a step-by-step guide for installation and uninstallation of Gluu Flex on Ubuntu Linux.


  • Ensure that the OS platform is one of the supported versions
  • VM should meet VM system requirements
  • Make sure that if SELinux is installed then it is put into permissive mode
  • If the server firewall is running, make sure you allow https, which is needed for OpenID and FIDO.
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload;
  • Install EPEL and mod-auth-openidc as dependencies
    sudo yum -y install
    sudo yum -y module enable mod_auth_openidc;
  • Please obtain an SSA to trial Flex, after which you are issued a JWT that you can use during installation. SSA should be stored in a text file on an accessible path.

Install the Package#

Download and Verify the Release Package#

  • Download the release package from the Github Flex Releases
    wget -P /tmp
  • GPG key is used to ensure the authenticity of the downloaded package during the installation process. If the key is not found, the installation step would fail. Use the commands below to download and import the GPG key.
    sudo rpm -import automation-flex-public-gpg.asc
  • Verify the integrity of the downloaded package using published sha256sum. Download the sha256sum file for the package
    wget  -P /tmp
    Run the command below from the directory where the downloaded package and the .sha256sum files are located.
    cd /tmp;
    sha256sum -c flex-5.1.5-el8.x86_64.rpm.sha256sum;
    Output similar to below should confirm the integrity of the downloaded package.
    flex-5.1.5-el8.x86_64.rpm : ok

Install the Release Package#

sudo yum install ./flex-5.1.5-el8.x86_64.rpm

Run the setup script#

Execute the setup script with command below:

sudo python3 /opt/jans/jans-setup/flex/flex-linux-setup/
If Admin-UI component is being installed, then the script will require SSA input, either as text or as a file path. This should be the SSA or file which was acquired as part of prerequisite step.
Install Admin UI [Y/n]: y
Please enter path of file containing SSA or paste SSA (q to exit):
Alternatively, for SSA file can be passed as a parameter to the setup script as below.
python3 /opt/jans/jans-setup/flex/flex-linux-setup/ -admin-ui-ssa [filename]

Verify and Access the Installation#

Verify that installation has been successful and all installed components are accessible using the steps below

  • Log in to Text User Interface (TUI)

    Full TUI documentation can be found here

  • Log into Admin-UI using URI below


When troubleshooting issues with Admin UI access, it's advisable to check the logs, refer to the FAQ, and review service dependencies for potential solutions.

  • Access Casa using URI below

Enabling HTTPS#

To enable communication with Janssen Server over TLS (https) in a production environment, Janssen Server needs details about CA certificate. Update the HTTPS cofiguration file https_jans.conf as shown below:


Want to use Let's Encrypt to get a certificate? Follow this guide.

  • Open https_jans.conf
    sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/https_jans.conf
  • Update SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile parameters values
    SSLCertificateFile location_of_fullchain.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile location_of_privkey.pem
  • Restart httpd service for changes to take effect
    sudo service httpd restart


Removing Flex is a two step process:

If you have not run the setup script, you can skip step 1 and just remove the package.

Uninstall Gluu Flex#

Use the command below to uninstall the Gluu Flex server

sudo python3 /opt/jans/jans-setup/flex/flex-linux-setup/ --remove-flex
[ec2-user@manojs1978-lenient-drum ~]$ sudo python3 /opt/jans/jans-setup/flex/flex-linux-setup/ --remove-flex

This process is irreversible.
Gluu Flex Components will be removed

Are you sure to uninstall Gluu Flex? [yes/N] yes

Profile was detected as jans.

Log Files:


/opt/jans/jans-setup/setup_app/pylib/jwt/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 3.6 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Therefore, support for it is deprecated in cryptography and will be removed in a future release.
  from import EllipticCurve
Please wait while collecting properties...
Uninstalling Gluu Casa
  - Deleting /etc/default/casa
  - Deleting /etc/systemd/system/casa.service
  - Removing casa directives from apache configuration
  - Deleting /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/libs/casa-config.jar
  - Removing plugin /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/libs/casa-config.jar from Jans Auth Configuration
  - Deleting /opt/jans/python/libs/
  - Deleting /opt/jans/python/libs/
  - Deleting /opt/jans/python/libs/
  - Deleting /opt/jans/python/libs/
  - Deleting /opt/jans/python/libs/
  - Deleting casa client from db backend
  - Deleting casa client scopes from db backend
  - Deleting casa configuration from db backend
  - Deleting script 3000-F75A from db backend
  - Deleting /opt/jans/jetty/casa
Uninstalling Gluu Admin-UI
  - Deleting Gluu Flex Admin UI Client  2001.931e814d-01e2-4983-898f-91bf93670f7b
  - Removing Admin UI directives from apache configuration
  - Deleting /opt/jans/jetty/jans-config-api/custom/libs/gluu-flex-admin-ui-plugin.jar
  - Removing plugin /opt/jans/jetty/jans-config-api/custom/libs/gluu-flex-admin-ui-plugin.jar from Jans Config API Configuration
  - Deleting /opt/jans/jetty/jans-config-api/custom/config/log4j2-adminui.xml
  - Deleting /opt/jans/jetty/jans-config-api/custom/config/log4j2.xml
  - Rewriting Jans CLI init file for plugins
  - Deleting /var/www/html/admin
Disabling script A51E-76DA
Restarting Apache
Restarting Jans Auth
Restarting Janssen Config Api

Uninstall Janssen Packages#

The command below removes and uninstall the jans package

sudo python3 /opt/jans/jans-setup/ -uninstall
[ec2-user@manojs1978-lenient-drum ~]$ sudo python3 /opt/jans/jans-setup/ -uninstall

This process is irreversible.
You will lose all data related to Janssen Server.

Are you sure to uninstall Janssen Server? [yes/N] yes

Uninstalling Jannsen Server...
Removing /etc/default/jans-config-api
Stopping jans-config-api
Removing /etc/default/jans-auth
Stopping jans-auth
Removing /etc/default/jans-fido2
Stopping jans-fido2
Removing /etc/default/jans-scim
Stopping jans-scim
Removing /etc/default/jans-cache-refresh
Stopping jans-cache-refresh
Executing rm -r -f /etc/certs
Executing rm -r -f /etc/jans
Executing rm -r -f /opt/jans
Executing rm -r -f /opt/amazon-corretto*
Executing rm -r -f /opt/jre
Executing rm -r -f /opt/node*
Executing rm -r -f /opt/jetty*
Executing rm -r -f /opt/jython*
Executing rm -r -f /opt/dist
Removing /etc/httpd/conf.d/https_jans.conf

Remove Gluu Flex Packages:#

List existing Gluu packages with:

sudo yum list installed | grep flex
Remove packages:
sudo yum remove <package-name>

Uninstalling Admin UI#

To uninstall the Admin UI from your Flex installation, execute this command:

sudo python3 /opt/jans/jans-setup/flex/flex-linux-setup/ --remove-flex

Updating Admin UI#

To update the Admin UI in an existing Flex installation, execute this command:

sudo python3 /opt/jans/jans-setup/flex/flex-linux-setup/ --update-admin-ui

Last update: 2023-10-19
Created: 2022-09-22