Interaction with Jans Auth Server#
This user-friendly interface facilitates interaction with the Jans Auth Server through a REST API layer known as the Jans Config API. Here, we'll explore the working mechanism of the Gluu Flex Admin UI, focusing on its interaction with the Jans Auth Server and the key steps involved.
When accessing the Gluu Flex Admin UI through a web browser, the following steps are involved:
License Verification#
- The user accesses the Gluu Flex Admin UI frontend through a web browser.
- The frontend requests the Admin UI backend to retrieve Admin UI configuration from Janssen persistence. The Admin UI configuration includes OIDC client details for accessing the Auth Server, OIDC client details for accessing the Token Server, OIDC client details for accessing the License APIs, and license metadata. It's important to note that the Admin UI backend is implemented as a Jans Config API plugin.
- The frontend calls the Admin UI backend API (
) to validate the license configuration in persistence, essentially verifying the validity of the OIDC client used to access the License APIs. If it is not valid, the same API tries to register a new OIDC client using the SSA uploaded during installation. In case the SSA is invalid, the Admin UI shows a page to upload a new valid SSA. To minimize network calls to,/isConfigValid
verifies the OIDC client validity only at a set interval (default: 30 days). Otherwise,/isConfigValid
checks if the required OIDC client for License APIs exists in the Admin UI configuration (persistence). - After validating the OIDC client, the Admin UI calls the backend API (/isActive) to check if a valid license is present in the license configuration. It verifies whether the license key and its details are valid and not expired. At regular intervals (default is 30 days), the Admin UI backend calls the SCAN API (/scan/license/isActive) to verify license validity and sync its details into the license configuration (persistence).
- If a valid license is not present, the frontend calls the backend API (/retrieve) to retrieve the license for the user via the SCAN API (/scan/license/retrieve). The license can only be retrieved from SCAN if the user has subscribed to the Admin UI license in Agama Lab.
- If the user has not already subscribed to a valid license in Agama Lab, the Admin UI displays a page to generate a 30-day trial license. The user cannot generate another trial license after expiry of a generated trial license and will need to subscribe to the Admin UI license in Agama Lab to access the user interface.
- After verification of valid license the frontend initiates the Authorization Code Flow by redirecting the user to the login page.
title License Verification
actor User
User->>Browser: open Admin UI URL
Browser->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: launch Admin UI
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Admin UI Backend: /config
Admin UI Backend->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: Admin UI config
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Admin UI Backend: /license/isConfigValid
Note over Gluu Flex Admin UI,Admin UI Backend: validate license OIDC client
alt license client valid
Admin UI Backend->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: true
else license client invalid
Admin UI Backend->> DCR using SSA
alt DCR success>>Admin UI Backend: client credentials
Admin UI Backend->>Admin UI Backend: save client credentials in persistence
Admin UI Backend->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: true
else DCR fails
Admin UI Backend->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: false
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Browser: Screen to Upload SSA
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Admin UI Backend: /license/isActive
Note over Gluu Flex Admin UI,Admin UI Backend: validate license
Admin UI Backend->>SCAN: /scan/license/isActive
alt license active
SCAN->>Admin UI Backend: true
else license inactive / not present
SCAN->>Admin UI Backend: false
Admin UI Backend->>SCAN: /retrieve
alt license subscribed
SCAN->>Admin UI Backend: license
else license not subscribed
SCAN->>Admin UI Backend: false
Admin UI Backend->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: false
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Browser: Screen to generate Trial license
Admin UI Backend->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: login page
The Authorization Code Flow#
- The frontend initiates the Authorization Code Flow by calling authorization url and redirecting the user to the login page of the Janssen authorization server for user authentication.
- Upon successful authentication, the authorization server sends an authorization
and astate
to the frontend. The frontend verifies the state. - The frontend utilizes the authorization code to first obtain an access token (
) from the token endpoint of the authorization server. - With AT1, the frontend requests the User-Info in JWT format (
) from the authorization server by calling userInfo endpoint. - The frontend stores the UJWT and its claims, including the user's role ( claim name is
) and other relevant information, in the Redux store.
title License Verification
actor User
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Jans Auth Server: /authorize
Jans Auth Server->>Gluu Flex Admin UI:code
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Jans Auth Server: /token
Note right of Gluu Flex Admin UI: code as parameter
Jans Auth Server->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: access_token
Note right of Gluu Flex Admin UI: access_token as parameter
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Jans Auth Server: /userInfo
Jans Auth Server->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: user-info (UJWT)
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: extract & store claims from UJWT
API Protection and Scopes#
To ensure security and access control, Gluu Flex Admin UI leverages API protection and scopes:
- The Jans Config API's endpoints are protected and can only be accessed using a token (
) with the required scopes. - To generate an AT2, the frontend requests the Token Server via the backend. The Token Server and Authorization Server can be the same or different.
- The Token Server employs an introspection script that validates the UJWT and refers to the role-scope mapping in the Token Server persistence.
- The introspection script validates the UJWT and includes the appropriate scopes in AT2 based on the user's role.
- The frontend receives AT2 and associated scopes from the backend.
- Features in the frontend are enabled or disabled based on the scopes provided in AT2. Refer this doc for GUI access control.
title License Verification
actor User
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Admin UI Backend: /api-protection-token?ujwt=...
Admin UI Backend->>Jans Token Server: /token
Jans Token Server->>Jans Token Server: Verify ujwt
Jans Token Server->>Jans Token Server: Add scopes to token based on role (AT2)
Jans Token Server->>Admin UI Backend: AT2
Admin UI Backend->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: AT2
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Gluu Flex Admin UI:extracts scopes from AT2
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: GUI access control based on scopes from AT2
Accessing Config-API Endpoints#
To access config-api endpoints, the following steps are taken:
- The Admin UI frontend requests AT2 from the Token Server through the backend.
- Armed with AT2, the frontend sends a request to the desired Jans Config API endpoint. AT2 is included in the authorization header, along with other request parameters.
- At the Jans Config API, AT2 is validated, and the provided scopes are verified to ensure the necessary scope for the requested endpoint is present.
- If the above steps are successful, the requested data is fetched from the Jans Config API and forwarded to the frontend.
title License Verification
actor User
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Admin UI Backend: /api-protection-token?ujwt=...
Admin UI Backend->>Jans Token Server: /token
Jans Token Server->>Jans Token Server: Verify ujwt
Jans Token Server->>Jans Token Server: Add scopes to token based on role (AT2)
Jans Token Server->>Admin UI Backend: AT2
Admin UI Backend->>Gluu Flex Admin UI: AT2
Gluu Flex Admin UI->>Jans Config API: request API with AT2
Jans Config API<<->>Jans Token Server: introspect AT2
Jans Token Server->>Jans Config API: AT2 JSON
Jans Config API->>Jans Config API: Enforcement: verify required scopes
Jans Config API->>Jans Config API: validate params
Jans Config API->>Jans Auth Server:call API with request params
Jans Auth Server->>Jans Config API:response
Jans Config API->>Gluu Flex Admin UI:response
The Gluu Flex Admin UI simplifies the process of managing configuration and features of the Jans Auth Server through an intuitive graphical user interface. By following the Authorization Code Flow and leveraging API protection and scopes, the Gluu Flex Admin UI ensures secure and controlled interaction with the Jans Auth Server's REST API layer. This seamless interaction empowers administrators to efficiently manage the Jans Auth Server's settings while adhering to strict access controls and security protocols.
Created: 2023-08-28